archival and resource material for human powered recumbent tricycles

Adaptive Mobility Trike

Visit Mountain Trike by clicking HERE.

The Outdoor Wheelchair
The Mountain Trike is THE all terrain wheelchair which is now well proven as the leading product in this area. It’s versatility and off road performance is unrivalled, giving riders an amazing feeling of freedom and independence.

The two drive levers and hydraulic disc brakes give the rider excellent propulsion, control and braking, over difficult ground and up steep hills. Whilst the unique direct drive steering means the rider can steer and drive the chair with only one arm, leaving a spare hand for… holding hands with a loved one, using the phone, walking the dog, holding a glass of wine at a garden party, you name it.

Think All Terrain. Think Mountain Trike.

The Mountain Trike is designed for crossing ground that would be uncomfortable or even impossible in traditional wheelchairs:

Mountain Trike wheelchairTechnical Features
There are a number of great features about the Mountain Trike, for a start, the drive levers not only amplify the effort you put in, but also keep your hands clean and dry, even through water and thick mud.

The optimised gearing gives you good speed on flat ground and much needed gearing when climbing hills, although the chain sprockets can be changed if you wish (any good mountain bike shop would be able to help you).

The large front wheels mean you can easily ride up and over curbs or other obstacles.

The width (74cm) means you can fit through all but the narrowest of doorways, a tight turning circle and easy to use reverse means moving about indoors if you decide to pop into the pub or down to the shops isn’t an issue.

One thing which people always comment on is how comfortable the Mountain Trike is. A changeable base cushion means you can use whatever cushion you like and the performance moulded back rest holds you securely and comfortably.

We have tilted the seat back a little to give you a more comfortable position when travelling down hills, and because there is a wheel behind you, you can lean back and relax, no matter how steep the hill, you won’t fall out backwards. This seating position is also pressure relieving and comfortable for many hours of off-road riding.

Lastly, independent suspension on each wheel not only gives a smooth and comfortable ride when dropping off curbs, riding over cobbles, cracked pavements and tree roots but also means you can turn or travel across slopes safely and with confidence.

Easy to use and long lasting
Here at Mountain Trike, we pride ourselves in not only producing something fun and highly desirable, but also safe and usable by as many people as possible.

The front anti-tip wheels prevent the chair from rolling over forwards if braking quickly or when going downhill and the hydraulic brakes and parking brakes give you excellent stopping power at the pull of a finger.

We’ve made the Mountain Trike with only the best mountain bike parts and a strong aluminium frame, which is guaranteed for 3 years, but we expect it to last a lifetime if you’re careful.

The seat back and footrests are adjustable forwards and backwards or up and down to accommodate for different sized riders and comfort preferences. If you require any specialist adaptations, do get in touch and we will do our best to meet your needs wherever possible.

Future Developments
We are very aware that not everyone who would want to use this currently can, due to a reduced finger function making braking difficult. But don’t worry, we are working on this and already have a design to change our braking system so that even people without finger function can still get the most out of the outdoors. We also have exciting plans in the pipeline for one armed drive, a wide range of accessories and other models in the Mountain Trike family… Stay tuned for updates.